Glove and Bat

The Art of Deception: Understanding Baseball’s Hidden Ball Trick

The Hidden Ball Trick: Understanding the Rules and Regulations

Baseball is a game of strategy, and the hidden ball trick is one such strategy that has mystified and surprised audiences for decades. This game has been played for over a century and continues to be an integral part of the game.

In this article, we will be discussing the rules and regulations surrounding the hidden ball trick to help you understand this tactic better.

Definition and Explanation of Hidden Ball Trick

The hidden ball trick is a play executed by the defense team to trap the base-runner by faking a throw to the pitcher or first baseman, who has not received the ball. While the base-runner is looking towards the other field, the infielder who has the ball tags the base-runner for an out.

This play is regarded as one of the most dangerous and skillful plays in baseball.

Rules for the Hidden Ball Trick

There are various rules in place for executing the hidden ball trick. In this section, we will cover the key rules and regulations concerning this strategy in baseball.

Ball Must be in Play

For the hidden ball trick to be executed, the ball must be in play. The ball is considered to be in play once the pitcher releases the ball for a pitch or following a pitch that has resulted in a hit.

If the ball is out of play, the trick cannot be executed.

Base Runner Can Call Time After the

Conclusion of a Play

Following a play, the base-runner can call time to adjust equipment, tie shoes, or appeal to the umpire if there was an obstruction or other interference during the play. In the case of the hidden ball trick, if the base-runner suspects that a player has hidden the ball, they are entitled to call time and request for the umpire to check the ball.

Walk or Hit-by-Pitch Leads to a Dead-ball Situation

If a batter is hit by a pitch or receives a walk, the ball is considered to be dead, and no fielder can throw the ball to execute the trick during this time. The pitcher can only pitch the ball once the umpire has signaled the ball as live.

Pitcher Not Allowed on the Rubber

The pitcher is not allowed on the rubber while executing the hidden ball trick. If the pitcher is on the rubber with the ball in hand, the umpire will call for a balk, leading to the automatic advancement of all base-runners.

Infielder Cannot Hide Ball in Pockets

The infielder cannot hide the ball in their pockets when executing the hidden ball trick. If umpires suspect that a fielder is hiding the ball in their jersey, the ball will be inspected by the umpire, and if an infraction is found, the fielding team will be penalized.


In conclusion, the hidden ball trick is a fascinating strategy in baseball that requires skill, composure, and timing on the part of the fielding team. To execute it flawlessly, the team needs to adhere to the rules and regulations that govern this tactic closely.

By understanding the rules surrounding the hidden ball trick, you can appreciate its importance in baseball and enjoy the strategy involved in each game. How Does the Hidden Ball Trick Happen?

The hidden ball trick is a clever play that involves deceiving the base-runner and recording an out with a tag by the fielder. It involves a series of coordinated actions that come together to create the perfect opportunity to execute the play.

In this section, we will explore how the hidden ball trick happens.

Fielder Hides the Ball to Deceive the Base Runner

The key to the hidden ball trick’s success is the fielder hiding the ball from the base-runner’s view. The fielder usually does this by holding the ball behind their back or in their glove’s palm or webbing.

The fielder then takes a few steps away from the base, pretending to return the ball to the pitcher or the first baseman.

Infielder Pretends to Throw to Pitcher While Still Having the Ball

The second component of the hidden ball trick is the infielder pretending to throw the ball to the pitcher while still holding it in their glove. This part of the strategy is essential as it causes the base-runner to take their focus away from the fielder and towards the pitcher.

Fielder Tags Runner with Ball in Glove to Record Out

Once the base-runner’s focus is off the fielder, the fielder tags the runner using the ball in their glove’s palm or webbing to record an out. The timing of this component is critical as the fielder must tag the runner before they make it back to the base.

What You Don’t Know About the Hidden Ball Trick

While we all know the basics of the hidden ball trick, there are numerous things about the play that most fans are unaware of. In this section, we will uncover some of the lesser-known facts about the hidden ball trick.

Fielder Not Allowed to Hide Ball Under Clothing

While fielders are allowed to hide the ball in their glove or behind their back, they are not permitted to hide the ball under their clothing. Doing so is considered an illegal move and will result in the play being called dead.

Rare Occurrence Due to Awareness Raised by Base Coaches

The hidden ball trick was once a common occurrence in baseball games. However, with increased awareness and training for base coaches and players in baseball, the play has become a rare occurrence.

Most players, coaches, and umpires are familiar with the trick and know to look for it.

Strategy and Execution Key Components

The hidden ball trick is more than just a simple play executed on the field. It requires strategy and execution, and it cannot be performed haphazardly.

The strategy usually involves selecting the right moment to execute the play and identifying the right runner to deceive. The execution must be smooth and coordinated to prevent the base-runner from becoming suspicious.

Trick Usually Attempted Only Once

The hidden ball trick is usually attempted only once during a game. This is because once the fielder has shown their hand and the trick is revealed, it becomes difficult to execute it again.

The trick loses its surprise element, and the base runners become more cautious, making it harder to trick them.

In conclusion, the hidden ball trick is a fascinating strategy in baseball that requires more than just the ability to catch and throw the ball.

It requires immense skill, precise timing, and coordination between all players involved. While the trick is less common these days, it still remains an essential part of baseball’s history and an effective tactic in the right situation.

Components of the Hidden Ball Trick

The hidden ball trick is a complex play that requires skill, strategy, and execution. To successfully execute the trick, several key components must be addressed.

In this section, we will explore the primary components of the hidden ball trick.

Infielder and Strategy Involved

The infielder is one of the most crucial components of the hidden ball trick. To execute the trick, the infielder must conceal the ball from view, make a convincing fake throw, and time the tag just right.

This requires a high level of skill and performance under pressure. Additionally, the strategy involved in executing the hidden ball trick is equally important.

Both the field position and the base-runner must be taken into account when designing the plan.

When Does the Hidden Ball Trick Work Best?

While the hidden ball trick is a valuable play to incorporate into a team’s arsenal, it is not always the best option. Several factors must be considered to determine whether the hidden ball trick is a viable tactic for a particular game or inning.

Best with Runners on Base, Specifically at Second Base

The hidden ball trick works best when there are runners on base, particularly at second base. When a base-runner is on second base, there is a heightened sense of alertness from the pitcher and infielders, which makes it harder to execute the trick.

Fake Pick-Off Move and Fake Throw Options

To increase the likelihood of the hidden ball trick being successful, the fielder must employ a fake pick-off move or a fake throw to the pitcher to make the base-runner believe the ball is out of play. These fake moves create a sense of security on the base-runner, making them more vulnerable to the trick.

Significant Leads Taken by Runners at Second Base

When the base-runner on second base takes a significant lead towards third base, they are already committed to a particular direction, making it even harder for them to react to the hidden ball trick. The fielder can wait for the runner to overcommit before initiating the play, increasing the chances of success.

In conclusion, the hidden ball trick is a complex play that requires skill, strategy, and execution. The infielder and their strategy often decide the success or failure of this play.

While it is not always the best option, taking into consideration the factors mentioned can help identify the best situation for a team to execute the hidden ball trick. Ultimately, the hidden ball trick remains an exciting and valuable part of baseball’s lore and a winning strategy when executed to perfection.

In conclusion, the hidden ball trick is a well-known strategy in baseball used to trap and deceive the base-runner. It requires skill, timing, and coordination among the fielding team to execute successfully.

While it may not be the best option in every situation, the correct identification of runners on base, the use of fake throw and pick-off moves, and significant leads can increase its chances of success. Understanding the rules and regulations, the strategy involved, and the components required can help improve the chances of executing the hidden ball trick perfectly.


Q: What is the hidden ball trick?

A: The hidden ball trick is a play executed by the defense team to trap the base-runner by faking a throw to the pitcher or first baseman, who has not received the ball.

While the base-runner is looking towards the other field, the infielder who has the ball tags the base-runner for an out. Q: What are the components of the hidden ball trick?

A: The infielder and strategy involved are crucial components of the hidden ball trick. Q: When does the hidden ball trick work best?

A: The hidden ball trick works best with runners on base, particularly at second base, and when there are significant leads taken by runners towards third base. Q: Can the fielder hide the ball under their clothing?

A: No, the fielder cannot hide the ball under their clothing. Q: Is the hidden ball trick common in baseball?

A: No, the hidden ball trick is a rare occurrence in baseball due to increased awareness and training for base coaches and players.

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