Glove and Bat

Mastering Baseball Techniques: Drills for Improved Agility and Accuracy

Baseball has been described as America’s favorite pastime and is loved by millions around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there are a range of skills and techniques that you need to master in order to become a successful baseball player.

Two of the most important skills to learn are fielding grounders and understanding the different types of baseballs. In this article, we’ll cover the types of baseballs and fielding grounders barehanded and gloved, taking a closer look at how you can improve your skills in this area.

Types of Baseballs

There are different types of baseballs used for different purposes when practicing or playing baseball. Standard Baseball: The standard baseball is used in most official games, it is typically made of leather with a cork or rubber center and weighs around 5.25 ounces.

The dimensions of the ball are regulated by the official rules of the game to ensure consistency across all games. Incrediballs: Incrediballs are made of sponge foam and come in various sizes ranging from a small baseball to a softball, they are perfect for practicing indoors or for younger players to learn the fundamentals of the game.

Rag Balls: Rag balls are made of cloth rags and covered with tape, they are an affordable option for practicing baseball, especially when you don’t want to damage your real baseball. Tennis Balls: Tennis balls are another cost-effective option, they can be used for practicing fielding, throwing, and catching.

Soft-fielding drills: Used during training/ practice session to help players develop soft hands, the soft-fielding drills are effective at mimicking real-world fielding situations but without the harder impact of a standard baseball.

Other Equipment

Aside from baseballs, there’s other equipment that can aid in practicing or playing baseball.

Gloves: A quality glove is an essential piece of equipment, they come in various sizes and materials, with the right glove, fielding can be less challenging.

Ensure to purchase a glove that is appropriate for your age and skill level. Cones: Cones are used to mark out bases, serve as a guide when practicing base-running, and can be a great tool for setting up fielding drills.

Wiffle balls: They are made of plastic and have holes drilled into the ball. They can be used for practicing hitting and as part of a fielding drill.

Golf-sized Wiffle balls: These balls are slightly smaller than standard Wiffle balls, making them ideal for practicing batting accuracy indoors.

Soft Grounders Barehanded and Gloved

Fielding grounders is a basic skill required for baseball players. Here are some techniques you can apply when practicing.

Pairing Up and Rolling Grounders

This is a warm-up routine that players can do with a partner to help improve their hand-eye coordination and technique. Start by standing close to your partner and start rolling the ball to each other on the ground.

While rolling, ensure to maintain soft hands, meaning you should be relaxed and not tense while receiving the ball. This drill is effective as it allows players to focus on watching the ball, rolling it with accuracy, and maintaining soft hands while handling the ball.

Kneeling Down and Fielding Grounders

This drill is done by kneeling on one knee and using the other foot to support yourself for stability. Ask your coach to roll or hit grounders to you.

Focus on the mechanics of fielding, including keeping your head up, keeping your shoulders square, and repeating the same routine over and over. Practicing your footwork to get your body in the right position for each grounder is important to reduce the chances of committing errors.

This is a great drill for infielders.


Baseball requires constant practice and patience to improve your skills. If you’re just starting out, don’t be afraid to invest in equipment.

When training, work on the fundamentals of fielding by practicing with different types of baseballs and fielding drills. Remember, in baseball, practice makes progress; the more you practice fielding grounders, the better you’ll get.

If you’re looking to improve your baseball skills, cone drills and playing pepper are two great ways to practice consistency in movement, refine your hand-eye coordination and improve your overall game.

Cone Drills

Cone drills can be used to help develop vital movements and glove work. These drills can be done by individuals or teams and require minimal equipment.

Side-to-Side Cone Drill

The Side-to-Side cone drill is important for infielders as it helps in developing their quick side-to-side movement which is required to field grounders or make accurate throws. To begin the drill, set up three cones in a straight line and stand 3 to 4 feet from the middle cone with one foot in between it and one of the outside cones.

Start moving side-to-side, following the ball with your eyes as its passed between two players behind the cones. As soon as you see the ball being passed to the other player, move rapidly to one side, touch the cone with your hand, and then come back to the starting position, ready to move again when needed.

Repeat continuously for a set time, such as two or three minutes, while maintaining a good ready position each time. When you’re comfortable with this drill, reduce the distance between the cones for a more challenging workout.

Curved Cone Drill

This drill is excellent for developing good footwork and glove work and should be practiced by outfielders. To begin the drill, set up four cones in a line with the distance between each cone being three to four feet apart.

Start off in a ready position behind the first cone, imagining a ball begins high trajectory towards a curved path. As the ball spins in mid-air, move back towards the following cone while orientating your body to where the ball is predicted to land.

Once there, simulate catching the ball, then throw to the next cone while fully rotating your body by pushing off with your lead foot. Continue the repetition until you reach the end of the cones.

Ensure you maintain good footwork, which includes quick steps, high knees, and short strides as well as effective glove work.

Playing Pepper

Pepper is a baseball drill that can help to improve hand-eye coordination and solidify your skills in fielding and hitting. The drill does not require a lot of space or equipment, which makes it a perfect warm-up exercise and can be done individually or as a team.

Playing Pepper Drill

To begin the drill, stand in a semi-circle with three or four players spaced out, roughly ten feet apart. Have one person serve as the tosser, who will toss the ball to the other players who hit or catch the ball then pass it back to the tosser.

The objective is for the players to hit grounders or line drives which are aimed at the other players who field by attempting to catch the ball in front of them. The goal of the batter is to hit the ball while maintaining control and preventing it from going over the heads of the other players, as well as keeping it off the ground.

In turn, the fielders react quickly and maintain a safe position with soft or ready hands to catch the ball and redirect it back towards the tosser. The drill concludes after a certain time period or when a specific number of repetitions is achieved.

As the drill intensifies, team members can increase the speed to where the tosser doesn’t have a break to keep the game at pace while developing quick reactions from all participating players. Safety is paramount when playing pepper.

Players should maintain a safe distance from each other, avoid swinging the bat without looking around, and communicate with each other when necessary.


Cone drills and playing pepper are two great ways that baseball players can improve their skills, agility, and accuracy. Investing time in practicing these drills will help you to better understand fundamental movements and improve your game on the field.

Always ensure that you focus on playing safe, practicing effectively and maintain a consistent routine for best results. Home and Follow is a baseball drill that focuses on infielders fielding and throwing technique, agility, and movement.

This drill is essential for players who want to develop their ability to field ground balls and cover the bases for their team effectively.

Hitting Ground Balls

During practice or training, the coach or a single player can hit ground balls from one side of the infield to another. The players on the receiving end should focus on their technique and movements, ensuring they maintain a good glove position and body angle.

Players should field the ball and practice throwing it from different angles to improve their accuracy and throwing technique. The drill should be performed with attention to the tempo, players should work on moving quickly and efficiently to keep up the pace of the game.

Running Through the Drill

The Home and Follow drill is typically run by a coach with a pitcher or utility player and can be performed with other players joining in to simulate different scenarios. The pitcher throws the ball and the fielder should focus on covering a particular base.

The coach then hits a soft ground ball, which is fielded by the pitcher, who throws it to the fielder covering the column. The fielder then throws it to another base or to the catcher for the home plate coverage.

This drill requires players to maintain high levels of agility, quick footwork, and good communication with their teammates. Both the pitcher and the fielder must have a clear understanding of their roles during the drill, which will enable them to focus efficiently on their technique and movement.

The players must maintain a consistent routine while still ensuring safety on the field. Drills as Fun, Challenging, and Rewarding

Drills such as Home and Follow should be fun, challenging, and rewarding to the players participating in them.

A good coach should motivate and push the players to give their best in each drill, while still maintaining an element of fun in the activity. The challenge involved in these drills is an opportunity for players to improve their performance on the field and enjoy the rewards of their hard work.

Explaining the Drills and Giving Good Feedback

It is important to provide clear instructions and feedback to players before and after the drill. A good coach should explain the drills in clear terms, ensuring that each player understands what they are required to do.

Feedback should be given immediately after the drill, discussing what went well and what areas need improvement. When players understand what they need to fix and what they did well, they will be better equipped to adjust their technique and movement as required.

Safety and Planning for Drills

Safety is crucial when it comes to baseball drills. Players, coaches, and everyone around the field should be mindful of their safety during a drill.

Coaches should plan the drills ahead, ensuring that they are appropriate for the level of skill of the players involved and that they address a particular technique or movement. Players should be aware of their surroundings during the drill, take care when moving from one area of the field to another, and ensure that other players are aware of their movements.

The coach should be responsible for providing clear instruction to avoid confusion or injury during the drill.


Home and Follow is an important drill that teaches players how to field ground balls, cover different bases, and move with agility on the field. The drill can be performed in different ways, such as hitting ground balls and running through the drill.

Good drills are fun, challenging, and rewarding for players when the instructions given are clear and feedback is given to improve performance. Safety is crucial in all drills, and coaches should ensure that they plan ahead, so that proper instructions are given, and all participants are aware of their roles.

So go out there and have fun while improving your techniques because it takes practice. In summary, baseball drills such as Home and Follow,

Cone Drills, and playing Pepper are essential techniques that can help refine your hand-eye coordination, agility, and improve your overall game.

It’s important to ensure that players understand the instructions and receive prompt feedback to improve performance. Safety is also crucial during these drills, and coaches should plan ahead to ensure players are mindful of their surroundings.

By emphasizing on these techniques, players can improve their game on the field and achieve better results in the long run. FAQs:

Q: What is Home and Follow drill?

A: Home and Follow is a baseball drill that focuses on infielders fielding and throwing technique, agility, and movement. Q: Why are cone drills important in baseball training?

A: Cone drills are important in baseball training because they help develop vital movements and glove work that is essential for success in the sport. Q: What is Pepper in baseball?

A: Pepper is a baseball drill that can help to improve hand-eye coordination and solidify your skills in fielding and hitting. Q: How are baseball drills fun, challenging and rewarding?

A: Baseball drills can be fun, challenging, and rewarding as they improve the player’s skills, helping them, and the team achieve better results on the field. Q: Why is safety important in baseball drills?

A: In baseball drills, safety is crucial to prevent injuries, and coaches should plan ahead to avoid confusion, providing clear instructions to avoid any occurrence of injury.

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